Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Season of black tie...

If your a bit stuck with what and what not to wear? or need a little inspiration, log onto where you'll find the new issue full of inspiration. Coupled with the fact you'll be able to view Jerome Hillion's photograph collection from 2007. Look out for him in January when he makes a return to fashion156 in the form of their chosen hair stylist....of course we can't say too much, so that'll do for now.

Enjoy the feature.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

stylebubble catches our drift

Its always nice when someone notices your efforts, and lends a helping hand. A huge thank you and shout out to Susie @ Stylebubble. Her innovative style bible web site, is so popular that I was told by a bunch of people that Susie had written about the event before I even knew! And this is the article in its glory. Spread the word and tell them Susie rules the world!

The hair master speaks.....

Ask and ye shall find out. Bellasugar in the United states have been following and supporting the Hair&Jerome brand for the past year and the latest addition to their site was an interview that Jerome Hillion did, not so long ago, just to get things straight. Read on....


After much preparation, sweat and worry (Alastair) - organisation, things not going to plan and the occasional cigarette (Cecile) - a cool cat, where no project too invasive (Jerome) Hair&Jerome's event thrown for charitable doings was a smash hit, both attracting a full house of a mixture of friends, family and clients, as well as an encouraging amount of fashion press and industry press.

The night was greeted in with champagne and cocktails and our designers shows from Cross+Spot as well as the uber exciting new designer talent ivana K.

The night, a huge success went on well past midnight, with lots of fun had by all. I can vouch for that. I present some photographic evidence of what fun it was.

Hertfordshire's Employee of the year?

You seen it first, yes, in dashing velvet.

ROME for free?

Yes its true, Alyn Davies, owner of the Jericho group, kindly gave his two leading team members tickets to jet off to Rome for the weekend! Very generous. I think i'd have gone myself - but we all know me.